710 teams
188 miles total
37th place!
31.06 hours of running
18.4 miles(that i ran)
12 girls
3 legs
2 awesome drivers
lots of potty breaks
1.5 hours of sleep
a few blisters
i was a little bit skeptical going into this race. maybe it was because i didnt feel prepared enough. maybe it was that i didn't know what to expect. either way... it ROCKED
loved the girls who ran with us. loved that i had to push myself harder than i ever have before. and LOVED that we finished it. i was the very first runner on our team. kinda intimidating i'm not gonna lie. best part about going first is that i was done first and had pretty much all of Saturday to relax and cheer on our runners. i think i want to do this race every year. we had such a fun car of girls. two of the girls i didn't really know at all and the were absolutely hilarious. i miss them. i ran my three legs 1- 5.1 miles, 2- 8.5 miles, 3- 4.8 miles. yep, thats a lot of miles combined. 18.4 to be exact. i feel like i did a little better than i had expected, (nope, i'm still not as fast as meag). i only ran into a few minor challenges along the way... (note to self: if you are nursing a little baby and exercising and burning a ton of calories.. DRINK TONS OF WATER or you'll get dehydrated while running). other than that and the lack of sleep and sore bodies, it was a BLAST. my parents drove our car and were super fun. i was so grateful my mom was there to help take care of Ave. Trae took Avery to stay at our Ogden house Friday night and they met up with us the next morning. they were both good sports for following us around all day (thanks!!). we were just there to finish the race and have fun while doing it. mission accomplished. but let me tell you, there are some pretty serious runners out there. we ran through some of the most GORGEOUS parts of Utah. i've seriously never seen prettier country. if you think you never want to run this race, at least go drive the course. it wont disappoint. anyways. i loved the wasatch back so much.
so, who wants to run it with me next year?
i do i do. cute post. i want to re-do that race right now, except that i don't think my body could handle it quite yet.
congrats!!! you guys are awesome!!!
Count me in again! but like you said..we'll definitely do some better training next year! But really..I think we should sign up soon
Way to go Lis! What a fun race/team! You guys don't even look like you are tired or sweaty! How do you look cute all the time!?
P.S. I want to do it next year!
Hey lis! You have such an adorabel family! Ave is absolutely adorable! Motherhood is great! I love it! He just never stops smiling! I love it love it love it! Hope mommy hood is going great for you and daddy hood is going good for trae! Love you, we need to go to lunch asap!
Congrats! I can't believe that you did that. I would want to say that i would do it with you next year, but I really doubt myself! BUt i think you and your team is SO amazing for that, i honestly can't even imagine how accomplished you would feel!
love, rebekah
Ave is a little doll! ..and way to finish that race! It sounds rough, but way fun!
(woops! This is Britt, under Keenan's name)
Way to go. That is so awesome!
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