but i sure wouldn't trade the past thirty-plus days for anything.
Last Sunday Avery turned one month old. I cant believe how quickly time has gone by..seems like just yesterday we were bringing this little doll home from the hospital. Little Ave is just growing like a weed.. (everyone warned me that would happen.) She is so much fun and keeps me busy all day long. Ave has been sleeping pretty good at nights.. last night she only got up once.. (i've got my fingers crossed for tonight..but dont have my hopes up quite yet.) My sister keeps teasing avery about her increasing number of chins.. even so.. we still think she pretty darn cute.
As of lately some of her favorite things include.. taking naps with dad (which happens to be one of his favorite things as well), eating pretty much every two hours on the dot, taking baths, being cuddled and talked to, and of course sleeping. She gotten pretty good at letting her mom and dad know exactly when she is hungry, tired, or bored. Even though being a mom is sometimes challenging and overwhelming..i sure cant imagine life without this little gal.
here are a few pics of the little lady.